Hash Run # 1287
Mon 7/7/2003 7PM
Venue: Burwood Tap
Hares: Specklebird
Hash Run # 1287
Mon 7/7/2003 7PM
Venue: Burwood Tap
Hares: Specklebird
Hash Run # 1281
Sat 5/31/2003 2PM
Venue: Weeds
Hares: Ladies of POP
Theme: Power of the Pussy
Third Annual P.O.P Hash!!
Hares: Many lovely Chicago Harriettes
Venue: Weeds, 1555 N. Dayton, Chicago, IL 312-943-7815
Time: 2:00 (Registration starts at 1:00)
Price: $25 until May 10, $30 thereafter and at the door
Multiple Beer/Drink Stops, Food, Fun, T-shirt, oh, and of course an amazing run in the great city of Chicago. Registrations forms soon.
Hash Run # 1278
Mon 5/12/2003 7PM
Venue: Michael’s Pizzeria
Hares: Stiletto Slut
Hash Run # 1277
Mon 5/5/2003 7PM
Venue: MAGZ
Hares: Rhotan & Meister
Theme: Cinco de Mayo
Hash Run # 1276
Sun 4/27/2003 2PM
Venue: Slow Down Life’s Too Short
Hares: Mayor McTick & Soar Balls
Hash Run # 1275
Sun 4/20/2003 2PM
Venue: Leona’s Pizza
Hares: Peterbilt
Hash Run # 1274
Sun 4/13/2003 2PM
Venue: Carol’s
Hares: Erect Da Red & 69 Cent Man
Hash Run # 1273
Sun 4/6/2003 2PM
Venue: Harlo’s
Hares: Magnetic Muff & Just Do Me Slowly
Hash Run # 1272
Sun 3/30/2003 2PM
Venue: Stadium Sports Club
Hares: Manhole