CH3 #1637

Chicago #1637 Sat 12/19 @3pm – Great Chicago Anthrax Scare and Hash VIII & Santa Hat Run

Hare(s): Calvin Klein, Super Suff’Her, It’s Too Soft (the original Anthrax Scare Hare) and Numerous Unindicted Co-Conspirators
Venue: Piano Man – 3801 N. Clark St. Chicago
Hash Cash: Starts @ $40 and up depending on how early you register.

Hare(s): Calvin Klein, Super Stuff’Her, It’s Too Soft and other Unindicted Co-Conspirators

Venue: Piano Man – 3801 N. Clark St.

Party: Private Party Rooms, we have the rooms until MIDNIGHT and great food from Robinson’s Ribs Catering, dancing under the influence and other great entertainment you just can’t pay for!

Swag: Hazmat Suit, Souvenir Nametag, Commemorative Event T-Shirt. Please note due to environmental concerns please re-cycle your Santa Hats from previous years and/or decorate/ accessorize you own. Prize for best-decorated hat!

Accomodations: Days inn Lincoln Park (starting at $85/night) or Arlington House Youth Hostel (starting at $61/night)

Pricing/Registration: Pricing is $50 day of, if available. Click here to download the rego or go to the CH3 Yahoo Group Files to download.

>>> Dec 20th Walk-ups (if available) cash only please
Note shirts NOT guaranteed as we placed the order two weeks ago
& can’t afford to get stuck with extras!

The World’s Longest-Running* Hash Anthrax Scare Celebration**

Saturday, December 19, 2009 Meet at 1500hrs CST, on out at 1530hrs (3:00pm – keg will be tapped at 2pm)

Join THE Chicago Hash House Harriers for our Winter 2009 Flagship Event – the 7th Anniversary of Chicago’s Great Anthrax Scare of 2002!!!

This year’s event is once again ALL NEW as we have rented out the two backrooms of Wrigleyville favorite Piano Man and we have the rooms until MIDNIGHT!

Odor Eater returns to DJ and will keep us dancing under the influence all night long.

Fabulous food (isn’t all food in Chicago fabulous?) and vegetarian/vegan options will be your choice of silverware, napkins or plates. (kidding, but please do warn us of any special dietary preferences).

This years venue will be just blocks from historic and beautiful Wrigley Field and our hares plan to lay an incredibly shitty trail and show you some new Chicago scenery.

Swag included in rego: Hazmat Suit, Souvenir nametag, and Commemorative Event T-Shirt.

PLEASE NOTE: In anticipation of changes in EPA rules from the Obama Administration, we ask that participants please RECYCLE your Santa Hats from previous years or show your Anthrax Pride and decorate/ accessorize you own entirely new hat for 2009!

Despite the worst recession in decades 8th Anthrax is still be one of the BEST VALUES IN HASHING.

To view the authentic news media coverage on the 2002 Anthrax Scare click here
More time to kill? Check out Flying Booger’s remarks on Chicago 6th Antrhax on his Half Mind Blog here and also see the 2007 Anthrax web page as well as Big Hump’s Do My Butt’s writeup about the Great Megabus of Shame incident that followed 6th Anthrax after they hit our hangover and had a few more on the bus.

(*) refers to most consecutive years, not length of trails

(**) longest-running and also the only one that we are aware of
Environmentally-Friendly Public Transit ?
From Lincoln Park/Lakeview: Red Line to Addison, hoof it a block West along the Southern edge of Wrigley Field to Clark and then two blocks North to Grace.
From Wicker Park/Bucktown: Blue Line to Addison, CTA Addison #152 bus East to Clark, hoof it two blocks North on Clark to Grace

Driving ?
Hop into your hooptie and cruise to Clark & Grace. Parking is usually findable as the Cubbies are in San Francisco that night further North along Clark by the cemeteries, or even East of Clark on Irving Park a couplea blocks el Norte.

Pre-Lube Party – Friday, December 18, 5pm@ Fuji’s Party Central (933 W Wolfram #3) and then Kirkwood (2934 North Sheffield Avenue) 9pm-Midnight: Keg will be tapped at Party Central and we will pad your stomachs with snacks. We will then continue on to Kirkwood (see above) and all your beer is included. $15 covers beer and food @ Party Central and 3 hours beer party at Kirkwood from 9pm-Midnight. Note there is also a Moon Hash downtown at the Lodge at 7pm (21 W Division) which those interested in running some trail are highly encouraged to attend.
Hangover Hash – Sunday, December 20@ 11am: Hared by whoever in chicago MisManageMent can still move. Start location @ Hidden Shamrock (2723 N Halsted). The usual $8 Hash cash applies but we should have leftover food! We have a special deal setup with the bar for $6 pitchers PBR, $2.50 domestic bottles, $$6.50 Reuben n Fries with cuppa soup !!! $3.50 pints Harp, $4 Sam Winter Ale Pints!

Whooz Cumming (as of 12/15)
Return to Gender Badgers on Bikes Bash
C.P. Baltimore
Film@11 Baltimore-Annapolis
Battleshit Galactica Big Hump
Bozo’s Wet Dream Big Hump
Burning Asshole Big Hump
Cliff BangHer Big Hump
Dewey Sexual System Big Hump
Do My Butt Big Hump
Hummers Para Libre Big Hump
Just Ron Big Hump
Roll-On DCH3
Butt Chug Indyscent
Pissy Ditzy Indyscent
Finger Picking Good Little Rock H3
Hot Lips Michigan
Damn it & damn It MoA2H3 – Moan’n Road Whores
SOS Panama City H3
International Virgin Second City H3
Just Got It SFH3
Beer Spill Valdez TH3
Cum in my Nurse TH3
Dark Side of the Poon TH3
Fistful of Pricks TH3
Mt. Schwiiinga TH3
$.69 man THE Chicago HHH
Ball Cock Dumper THE Chicago HHH
Ballsalotapus THE Chicago HHH
Barks on all Fours THE Chicago HHH
Batteries Not Included THE Chicago HHH
Calvin Klein THE Chicago HHH
Chicken Stiffer THE Chicago HHH
Corn Star THE Chicago HHH
Crop Duster THE Chicago HHH
Cum in My Assfault THE Chicago HHH
Ginger Snatch THE Chicago HHH Glory Hole THE Chicago HHH
Half-Fag THE Chicago HHH
Hoosier Daddy THE Chicago HHH
Horn-E THE Chicago HHH
I Like Dick THE Chicago HHH
Just Allison THE Chicago HHH
Just Andrea THE Chicago HHH
Just Andy THE Chicago HHH
Just Annie THE Chicago HHH
Just Colleen THE Chicago HHH
Just Ingrid THE Chicago HHH
Just Jonathan THE Chicago HHH
Just Jordan THE Chicago HHH
Just Kelsey THE Chicago HHH
Just Matt THE Chicago HHH
Just Nick THE Chicago HHH
Just Rita THE Chicago HHH
Just Valinda THE Chicago HHH
Lifa THE Chicago HHH
Magnetic Muff THE Chicago HHH
Milk my Yak THE Chicago HHH
Mouthful of Meat THE Chicago HHH
Odor Eater THE Chicago HHH
Poultry F*cker THE Chicago HHH
Rear Aushwitz THE Chicago HHH
R-TardE THE Chicago HHH
Salty Gash THE Chicago HHH
Snatchsquatch THE Chicago HHH
Soul Taco THE Chicago HHH
Super Stuff’her THE Chicago HHH
Uploader THE Chicago HHH
Virtually Hung THE Chicago HHH
M’Alice Vancouver
Cop-U-Later Waukesha
It’s Too Soft Waukesha
Oh My Dawg Waukesha
Sphincter Grease Waukesha
Doubt our street cred? Pix from 2007 can be found by clicking on Pictures in the Nav bar to the right for the CH3’s official pictures as well as other peoples pix Batteries’ Pix and Return 2 Gender’s Pix and So So’s pix Pre-Lube / Anthr@x / Hangover

Click Here To Read About the History
of Chicago’s Great Anthrax Scare Hash

Environmentally-Friendly Public Transit ?
From the Lincoln Park/Lakeview “Green Zone”: Red Line to Addison, hoof it a block West along the Southern edge of Wrigley Field to Clark and then two blocks North to Grace
From Wicker Park/Bucktown: Blue Line to Addison, CTA Addison #152 bus East to Clark, hoof it two blocks North on Clark to Grace

Driving ?
Hop into your hooptie and cruise to Clark & Grace. Parking is usually findable as the Cubbies are in San Francisco that night further North along Clark by the cemeteries, or even East of Clark on Irving Park a couplea blocks el Norte.

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