Hey Wankers, the next CH3 MisManagement meeting will be on Wednesday May 20th at the Lion Head Pub
The big discussion items will refer to our Budget, the Memorial Day and 1600 Hash, Our Hash Calendar, POP,and WE NEED TO DISCUSS A NEW SHIRT and A NEW CH3 LOGO!!!
Happy Ass Grabber and I have been discussing the issue of a Chicago Area Hash dry-fit tank/t-shirt. Dry-fit shirts are more expensive than boring old cotton, which means a greater initial cost. CH3 and TH3 are inviting all area Hashes to include themselves on this shirt. We want this to have a simple design which easily and clearly identifies CHICAGO. After we decide on a simple design, we’ll add whatever Chicago Hash logo that would like to be represented, provided of course they help subsidize the cost.
The meeting agenda can be found on the CH3 Yahoo groups site, or I will forward you a copy if you have trouble finding it. Just ask.
5/20/09 at 7:30 pm’ish Free food from 4-7!!!! $2 bottles
Lions Head Pub 2251 N. Lincoln Ave, CHICAGO, IL
Erin Go Buff
CH3 CO-GM ….till Memorial Day. Then we fry Chicken.
3598CHICAGO HASH MM on May 20, 2009
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Chicken StifferMay 12, 2009
CH3 Agenda
5/20/09 at 7:30 pm’ish Free food from 4-7!!!! $2 bottles
Lions Head Pub2251 N. Lincoln Ave, CHICAGO, IL
Currently we are entering into our busy season of hashing. We just finished Polish Constitution Day hash and had close to 40 hashers show with 5 virgins present. Main goal will be to retain these virgins that do show up and get them to return in the future.
A. Budget
1. Verify funds we have $623 in hash cash.
2. Hash Tax is $1 per hasher per hash put into hash cash for future events, haberdashery, etc.
3. Turn over $1000 for GM in 2010
4. Collected $42 so far this year in haberdashery.
5. No hash tax has been collected since December maybe why hash cash is low.
6. We need new haberdashery
7. We are set with lanyards and whistles for at least one year.
B. Memorial Day and 1600 Hash May 24, 2009
1. 55 Hashers have signed up
2. Cost is currently $18 per hasher
3. This hash is on Sunday not on Monday
C. Calendar
1. We are now running every Monday night at 7 pm out at 7:30 pm
2. May 24, 2009 will be hash #1600 and the Memorial Day Hash on Saturday at Virgin Bangers and Renta Virgins.
3. POP- is July 18th Weekend
4. CH3 Saturday Hashes May 30th (German Fest Lincoln Sq, June 27th (Wall Bangher casa), July 25th (Ruji’s Foofdeck Lincoln St. Fest, August 29th Greek town Fest, September 26th (casa de Wall Bangher)-These hashes last year we tied into Chicago street festivals. Many allow you to bring in your own beer and you could have circle outside!!
5. Possible calendar link for Chicago hashes.
D. Hare Razor- Mouthful and Batteries
1. NICE JOB KEEPING US WITH HARES Looks like we have hares until July OPEN DATES: July 20th , 27th, AUGUST 3RD, 10TH, 17th, 24th, 31st REMINDER WE HASH ON MONDAYS MAY – SEPTEMBER so these dates are Mondays.
2. Have a new Bar wiki so hares can find hash friendly Bars. http://editthis.info/chicagohash/Main_Page
3. Phone line will only carry CH3 and TH3 updates other hashes have decided not to be part of hash line. SNATCHSQUATCH is the phone line dude! Thanks buddy!!
4. Be careful of Sporting events in the area of your hash CUBS, HAWKS, SOX games may kill your pitcher special.
1. ITS TOO SOFT now puts out the CH3 hareline.
2. If you want to be put on or taken off the CH3 Hareline tell him.
3. We have new picture site that CH3 posts web dudes photos on.
F. Haberdashery
1. Have $200 in Haberdashery mainly tank tops and T-Shirts.
G. RA’s & circle: Calvin
1. Any suggestions?
2. Need another RA to replace Enema Canal?
H. POP (Power of the Pussy) POP is a CH3 event put on by the ladies of the Hash usually in the summer
1. What help do the ladies need? Pub Crawl night before? Money for support?
2. Salty, Stab’em, Rotten, Schwiiiinga, Likes it on the Bottom, CUMMA SLUTRA and GINGER SNATCH r POP women
3. Hopefully we can have some updated details about this CH3 event at MM and get ready to pay for your REGO’s.
I. Misc
a. Sin City Hash June 19-21st White sox play vs Reds plus hash on Saturday maybe time for a road trip Hmmmm?
b. Waukesha red Dress May 9, 2009 saw close to 20 CH3-TH3 and one Waukesha wanabee
c. Big Hump Bungle in Jungle 2nd weekend in August?
New Business-
Can’t think of anything e-mail me if you wish to add anything here to discuss