Anthrax 2022 Registration is now Live!
By popular demand, we’ll be back at Michelle’s Ballroom this year. Expect the usual Anthrax craziness over 3 days, including the Friday night prelube run, and the Sunday hangover run. In fact, if the stars and harelines align, you can hash for 9 consecutive days leading up to Anthrax!
As always, the CH3 Code of Conduct is in effect. Please review it and comply.
Rego me!
Who’s Cumming
Event Details
Here is the schedule as of today. Expect a few tweaks as the event approaches.
$$$ = Included in your weekend rego price.
Friday Dec. 9th
6:00 AM – Day drinking on your own at any of the many watering holes in Chicago. Why not check out Chicago’s Christkindlmarket?
6:00 PM – Check-In for the weekend and pick up your gimmies at Duffy’s Tavern and Grille – 420 W. Diversey Parkway $$$ Walk up price $25. By CTA, take the brown or purple line to Diversey, then walk east 3/4 mile.
7:00 PM On out for the Anthrax Prelube Trail (3~4 miles), hared by Lifa and Crotch Fire. A-to-A trail $$$
7:00 PM to 10:00 PM – Enjoy our drink wristband deal for beer and White Claw. $$$
10:00 PM to Dawn – Continue drinking on your own.
Saturday Dec. 10th
1:00 PM – Check-in and pick up your gimmies at Lincoln Park Conservatory – 2391 N. Stockton Dr. By CTA, take the red or brown line to Fullerton, then walk east on Fullerton for 1 mile. If you’re coming from the loop, bus route 151 will drop you right out front. $$$ (no walk-ups)
1:00-2:00 PM Photos in the Lincoln Park Zoo
2:00 PM Drop off your bag at the hash truck. It will be magically transported to the trail finish.
2:30 – On out for main event trails:
☞ Ball Buster (8+ miles*), hared by Garmin and Sleepy Nom Noms
☞ Regular Trail (4~6 miles*), hared by Steps in Shit and False Advertising
☞ Walkers Trail (<3 miles*), hared by TBD
* Distances are approximate “true trail” miles and may be reduced if the weather sucks.
5:00 PM – Trail will end at our main event venue Michelle’s Ballroom – 2800 W. Belmont Ave., where we will conduct circle and serve up some delicious food (Chicago pizza, Portillo’s and a taco bar) along with yet more beer. We’ll party until we run out of cash or the management tells us it’s time to go. $$$
Afterwards – Wander to a neighborhood bar and continue drinking on your own. Recommended: DMen Tap and Reed’s Local, both open until 3 AM.
Sunday Dec. 11th
10:00 AM – Wake up and grab brunch and a Bloody Mary on your own.
Noon – Anthrax Hangover Run aka Dragthrax! (runners, walkers) hared by North Banger Alley & Le Shartiste. A-to-A at Roscoe’s – 3356 N. Halsted St. $$$ or $10 walk-up. By CTA, Belmont (Red, Brown Lines) and Addison (Red) are each a short distance away.
2:00 PM – Circle Up! $$$
3:00 PM – Sing your dirtiest song that doesn’t include the words “swing low”, then GTFO until Anthrax 2023! Or, head across the street to Sidetrack for more fun.
9 8 Days of Hashing!
Yes! Show up in Chicago a week early and you can hash for 9 days in a row. Details for some runs are still being worked out so check back here as the week approaches. There will be a place to safely store your bag at each run.
Saturday Dec. 3rd
2:00 PM – Run with the Chicago Big Dogs H3 at Pleasant Point Park – 6801 W. Imlay St.. Hared by Magnetic Muff & Stuffin’ Muffin. On-out at 2:30 PM. $6
Sunday Dec. 4th
2:00 PM – Run with the Chicago H3 at McGee’s Tavern & Grill – 950 W. Webster Ave.. Hared by Sleepy Nom Noms. On-out at 2:30 PM. $10
Monday Dec. 6th
7:00 PM – Run with the Special Event Pickup H3 at TBD. Hared by everyone. On-out at 7:30 PM. $5 – Would anyone like to organize this? Okay this run is cancelled due to lack of interest.
Tuesday Dec. 7th
6:30 PM – Run with the 4×2 H3 at Senior Citizens Memorial Playlot Park – 2228 N. Oakley Ave., hared by Lower Wackoff. On-out is at exactly 7 PM, so don’t be late. $2 for 2 beers.
Wednesday Dec. 8th
7:00 PM – Run with the Chicago Full Moon H3 at McGee’s Tavern & Grille – 950 W. Webster St.. Hared by Horn-E. On-out at 7:30 PM. $5~8
Thursday Dec. 9th
7:00 PM – Run with the Thirstday H3 at The Sedgwick Stop – 1612 N. Sedgwick St., hared by Snatchsquatch. On-out at 7:30 PM. $10