Chicago Hash House Harriers – Our beer stop for the marathon racists
Sunday, October 9, 2021, 9:00 AM
Venue: See below
What is this?: We hand out small cups of beer to runners in the Chicago Marathon.
How do I get there?: Red Line to Sox/35th then walk east to Indiana Ave. Turn left (north) and walk almost to 33rd street.
What do I bring?: Bring a case of cheap beer and some small (~5 oz.) paper cups. Some ice would be useful as well.
What do I do afterwards?: Our regular CH3 hash run will begin at 2 o’clock at a nearby location
Information from the organizer (Horn-E):
Chicago Marathon Beer Stop: Sunday, Oct 9, 2022. New course, new location picked by Berts Special Friend, SnatchSquatch and Horn-E. This is close to the Green Line 35th St stop and the Red Line 35th St. stops. Michigan mid block between 33nd St and 34rd St. Michigan is a few blocks east of last year’s beer stop. It is on the south bound section of the Marathon. We will try to have arrows from the El Stops. Hopefully.
This is a Chicago Area hashing tradition and something that hashers do around the world. We meet at a location and hand out small cups of beer to those that want it, 21+. About 2 to 3 ounces. Just a taste that really cheers them on and harmless at this point of the course. We also need volunteers to bring beer, get it the night before, and keep it cold. Five to seven ounce SOFT plastic or paper cups and trash bags (Large black), ice helps. The first wheel chairs arrive 1.5 hours after the start and then the front runners shortly after. Cheer them on. Around 10:30am it really starts to get hectic and a lot of fun. And after we are done, we will meet for a hash set by Steps In Shit near the 35th St Green Line station for an A to B trail. A shag wagon will be provided.