Shamrock Shuffle Beer in a Box – 2022 Edition!
What: Our effort to make sure none of the 25,000 free drink tickets goes unused. If you see someone wearing a race bib leaving the finish area, tell them what a great athlete they are and how cute their kids are. Then ask them for their beer tickets! You will have your pockets full of beer tickets in no time.
When: Sunday, March 20th from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, prior to our regular hash run at 2:00 PM. Hash run starts at TBD.
Where: In the post-race party area of the Shamrock Shuffle 8K race. Hashers gather on the north side of Buckingham Fountain.
Why: How many drink tickets can Drill gather this year? Will our tower of empty vessels reach the moon? Exactly how much Michelob Ultra is too much? And how is this still allowed to happen?! Join us after some overenthusiastic types are done with their race to find out!