Memorial Day 2016
Saturday, May 28 – Monday, May 30, 2016
| Online Registration | Who’s Cumming | Potluck Info |
| Friday Info | Saturday Info | Sunday Info | Monday Info |
Summer is officially here!
Come out and join the Chicago Hash House Harriers as we kick the Summer of 2016 off in style with our annual Memorial Day Celebration. This year we’ve got three days of shitty trails, local beer, delicious food, and debauchery planned for your entertainment.
Also included in your rego is a custom giveaway (details forthcumming). We’re printing up a super-limited edition piece of haberdashery for this event, but since you already have too many hash shirts, it’s an add-on to your regularly priced rego.
Looking to save some money? Be sure to rego early for the entire weekend (Main Event & Weekend price will increase $10 after the first 30 regos and then again at 60 regos). Online Registration will disappear on Thursday, May 26, so if you’re not regoed by then you’ll have to pay the walk-up prices listed to the right – you snooze you lose, bitches, and this is your punishment for making it impossible for us to tell how many people to buy food and booze for.
Friday, May 22 – 7PM
Memorial Day Pre-Pre-Lube Pub Crawl
Pay As You Go
Saturday, May 28 – 2PM
Chicago H3 #2033
Memorial Day Pre-Lube Trail
Sunday, May 29 – NOON
Chicago H3 #2034
Memorial Day Main Event
Potluck Info
Monday, May 30 – NOON
Chicago H3 #2035
Memorial Day Hangover Trail
Speaking of booze and food? We’ll have a traditional Memorial Day cookout on Sunday, and the delicious spread you’ve come to expect from It’s Too Soft’s Roofdeck on Monday. We promise that you’ll be given the chance to properly gorge yourself after trail on each of the three days. We’ll also have a mix of local craft beer kegs from the usual suspects (specifics TBD, check back soon) for you to drink before, after, and during trail on each of the three days as well – remember to bring your favorite vessel with you.
If you’re looking to save yourself even more money, we’d love to feature your homemade side-dish or desert as well – you can sign up to bring a potluck dish. If you sign up (by Thursday, May 26) to bring a potluck dish to share to the main event we’ll give you $5 cold cash money back when you arrive.
Main Event Registration: $55*
Weekend Registration: $65*
Main Event Rego
(Sunday Only) Weekend Rego
Super-Saver Rego (First 30) $35* $45*
Regular Price Rego (Next 30) $45* $55*
Procrastinator Rego (Everyone Else) $55* $65*
Walk-Up Asshole Rego $65* $90*
* – Price listed does not include the awesome shirt, which is $14 extra.
Kennel Count & Who’s Cumming
Regos Sold: 59
Next Price Increase: Walkup Assholes
Chicago H3 – 25
Bi Hole Her
Creamthroat Willie
Cums on All Bases
Dr. Cockvorkian
Drill in My Box
Fetus Envy
Foamy Discharge
Gay Dancer
Golden Shartches
Hoosier Daddy
Let Me Blow
Momma Strangelove
Pythagorean Semen
R Tard E
Salty Gash
Skull & Bone’her
Stiffy for Stiffies
Two Girls, One Cupcake
Up the Ash
Thirstday H3 – 6
Fire in the Hole
One Fuck Chuck
Slippery Fingers
Taste the Rainbow
Madison H3 – 4
Jelly Boobs
Kwusty the Fwown
KY My Ass
Paging Dr. Rotten BoneHer
Wang2Mouth H3 – 4
Glory Hole
Little Trojan Annie
The Dark Kunt
Austin H3 – 2
Silent But Deadly
Big Hump H3 – 2
Donkey Style
International House of Penis
Friendly Toast H3 – 2
Furry Spice
O’Shitty Runch
Homeless H3 – 2
Hickey No Dickey
Shriveled In London
Blooming Fools H3 – 1
Weird Al Spankabitch
Bushman H3 – 1
Horn E
Carolina Larrikins H3 – 1
Merkin Not Required
Chicago Full Moon H3 – 1
Fuck Your Circle
Flour City H3 – 1
Pizza Ass
First Urbana-Champaign Kennel (FUCK) H3 – 1
Hooch’s Cooch H3 – 1
I’m So Confused H3 – 1
Canned P*ssy
Waukesha H3 – 1
It’s Too Soft
White House H3 – 1
Wreath Around
Wildcard H3 – 1
Fibocrotchi Seecunts
Your Mom H3 – 1
Roofie Ragu