Memorial Day 2013
Thursday, May 23 – Monday, May 27, 2013
| Online Registration | Printable Registration | Who’s Coming |
Memorial Day 2012
Come one, come all to the Chicago Hash House Harrier’s annual celebration of Memorial Day. We’re working with your favorite local breweries (Goose Island, Metropolitan, & Half Acre) to bring you yet another unforgettable five days of hashing. Your rego will get you booze, the choice of one of three trails, booze, an awesome shirt and tag combo (for everyone registered before May 21st), booze, something to eat so that you can keep drinking longer, and more booze. The early bird gets the worm, as early registrants can get the entire weekend for $10 less than the price it will cost you at the door just for the main event – additionally, the first 40 weekend registrants will get two hours of free booze at the Pre-Lube on Friday night, so get your rego in sooner rather than later.
Weekend Registration: $60
Next Price Increase: April 22nd
Schedule of Events & a’la carte Pricing
Thursday, May 23rd – 7PM
Thirstday H3 #496
Hash Cash: $8
As always, the Chicago H3 invites you to start your weekend off early with the Thirstday H3 – Gaping Panda, Hidden Homo will hare. Hash cash is a mere $8 and the revelry is sure to last late into the night.
Friday, May 24th – 7PM
Ragtime H3 Memorial Day Pre-Lube
Hash Cash: Pay as You Go
The ladies of the Ragtime H3 have once again worked with local bars to get us a great drink package – we’ll start with a private room at O’Malley’s West for two hours of boozing before we head out to destroy Lincoln Park. Better still, the first 40 weekend registrants will get their two hours of drinking for free. Knowing that Glitter Spitter and That Thing That Vibrates are responsible for our Friday night festivities, this will be one to remember.
Saturday, May 25th – 2PM & 7PM – TWO HASHES FOR THE PRICE OF ONE
Chicago H3 #1844
Chicago Full Moon H3 #300
Hash Cash: $15
Dust off your hangover from the night before and join Back Door County for an epicly shitty trail. She promises multiple beer stops and maybe even a jello and pudding stop or two. Beer and food will be provided at the on-in, but you can save yourself some cash by regoing for the entire weekend early.
After you’ve had a good amount of beer and food, you’ll have the chance to run another trail – Horn E will be laying an evening trail out of the exact same location. There’s no way in hell that this one will go wrong.
Sunday, May 26th – NOON
Chicago H3 #1845
Hash Cash: $40 until April 21st, $50 until May 12th, $60 until May 22nd (no shirt), $70 at the door (no shirt)
Our main event promises to be one for the ages – Snatchsquatch and Chunder Pussy have not one, not two, but three different trail options for you this year and multiple beer stops where all the trails will come back together and engage in fun, games, and beer drinking. After all of that, we’ll return to the bar for circle, food, and more drinking. And if that isn’t enough for you, I’ve even heard rumors of a super-secret after party for when our drink special expires.
Monday, May 27th – 2PM
Chicago H3 #1846
Hash Cash: $5
Dust off your hangover once again for this year’s Memorial Day Hangover trail. Promises of a short and shitty trail with lots of beer to smooth over that pain in your cranium have been made, but I’m always skeptical.
Payment Info
Online Registration:
Step 1: Click on the “Online Registration” link at the top of this page and fill out the form that appears.
Step 2: Send money via PayPal using the link that is below the registration form (PayPal fees apply).
Offline Registration:
Step 1: Click on the “Printable Registration” link at the top of the page, print off the document that opens, and cut a check to “Brett Gray.”
Step 2: Fill out said form and mail it along with your check to
Brett Gray
4306 N. Saint Louis Ave APT 3C
Chicago, IL 60618
In Person Registration
Step 1: Click on the “Online Registration” link at the top of this page and fill out the form that appears.
Step 2: Pay Snatchsquatch, Hoosier Daddy, or Chunder Pussy at an upcumming hash.
Travel Info
Coming in from out of town? Not to worry. There are plenty of options for getting to and from Chicago. You can always fly in O’Hare (ORD) or Midway (MDW), take the Amtrack in to Union Station, take the Mega Bus, or you could even carpool up with your closest hash friends.
Lodging Info
Need crash space? Don’t worry about that either – just fill out your registration form indicating that you need space and we’ll pair you up with a hasher here in Chicago. If you’d rather find your own crash space you’re also welcome to post a message either in the comments, in our Yahoo! Group, on our Facebook page, via e-mail, or over our twitter, and we’ll do our best to set you up with a welcoming hasher. If you don’t want to stay with hasher, that’s cool too – the Chicago H3 suggests finding a room at the Travelodge Downtown Chicago as it is just a few blocks from the Main Event on Saturday. You can also try the Days Inn Lincoln Park or at the Chicago Getaway Hostel, but be advised that no group rate has been procured from these institutions.