CH3 Anthrax 2016

CH3 #1842

Chicago HHH Run #1842
Monday 5/13 – 7:00 PM
Hares: Glitter Spitter & Clark Kunt
Venue: Casa de Glitter Kunt – 2514 N Richmond St (Backyard)
Hash Cash: $8

From da GM: Notice the date and time change – we’ll be starting Monday night runs with this trail.

From da Hares: A Magical and Mysterious Live A to B Trail in Dark Blue Chalk. There will be SOME free beer outside at the A and you’re welcome to come by about 6:30 (if it is raining it’ll be college basement party style, which coincidentally is probably the last time you saw a glitter kunt).

Environmentally-Friendly Public Transit
From Lincoln Park/Lakeview: Take the 76 Diversey bus west to Sacremento – hoof it back east to Richmond and then south.

From Wicker Park/Bucktown: Take the Blue Line to Logan Square. Hoof it east along Logan Boulevard and then south on Richmond.

Hop in your hooptie and cruise to Richmond and Altgeld.

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