Mon, Sept 26, 7PM
Venue: Shoe’s Pub
Hares: Mt. Schwiiinga
As some of you already know, I’m running my FIRST marathon in Chicago on October 9th, and I’m doing it on behalf of PAWS (the organization where I adopted Artie from).
So, I’m doing a special, dog-friendly hash to help with my fund-raising efforts and I hope you’ll join me. The bar is really awesome and they’ve agreed that for every pitcher we buy, $2 will go to PAWS, so even more reason to drink up! (Not that we need any). And here’s another one: I’m bar tending! (So please be prepared to tip generously)
Plus, I’ll be selling a hash-centered marathon T-Shirt for anybody that’s interested. (See above) If you’d like to buy one, please log in to my fund-raising page and donate at least $20, then let me know your name and size!
On-On, and thanks for the support!