Run to Remember Beer Stop 2011

Event: Run to Remember 5K. Benefits the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation

Date: Saturday, April 30th

Assignment: Beverage Station at “halfway” point on course

Location: Lakefront Running Path, at Monroe Street

The Beverage Station will be located on the concrete path that runs along the Lakefront, south of the Chicago Yacht Club at Monroe Harbor.on Lakefront. Remember – this is the Chicago Yacht Club – not the Columbia Yacht Club (the big “ship”)…..

All materials will be at the Site when we arrive.


– Plan to be “On Site” at the Beverage Station by 6:30 a.m.

– We will start pouring 5,000 cups of water and other hydration fluids upon arrival.

– Race starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp

– Last Participants pass Beverage Station by approximately 9:00 a.m.

– Clean up discarded cups, etc. as soon as “pack” thins out….

Parking: If you are planning on driving, there is no parking at Monroe Harbor. The East Monroe Underground Parking lot would be the closest Park District lot. There will be free parking for all Run to Remember volunteers at the Waldron Parking Structure (south of Soldier Field). However, keep in mind that this lot is about 2 miles away from the Beverage Station. So, if you use this lot, allow for time to walk 2 miles to our location.

Post-race party: At Finish Line Area, Soldier Field, Gold Star Families Memorial and Park.

Post-Post-race party (if you want to get hammered with the cops after we all leave Soldier Field…..): TBA, but probably someplace like Stanley’s

SWAG: All Volunteers get a Run to Remember Volunteer T-shirt (great apparel to be wearing if you are spotted weaving in traffic in the middle of the night). If you can confirm to me before Friday that you are coming, and give me your shirt size, I’ll bring shirts with me to the Beverage Station.

I will sign-off on community service hours, for any of you who need them……

Although I’m sure we could pull it off with fewer, I would really like to have about 20 volunteers, so we can do it comfortably. Please let me know as soon as you can if you are in.

Thank you and on-on,


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