Chicago HHH Run #1704 @ Four Kitten Tavern, Sunday 1/16 – 2:00 PM
Hashers can arrive earlier at NOON or a little before to watch the Bears Playoff game until the hash.
Hares: Virgin Banger, Poultry F*cker, and Chicken Stiffer
Venue: Four Kitten Tavern 2241 W. Ainslie #1
Easy to find parking or take Brown line to Western walk three blocks north to Ainslie and turn east (right) two blocks to the address. Also You can take Western Bus to Ainslie or Lawrence bus to Oakley and walk north to Ainslie
Hash Cash: $8
From the hares: The hash is invited to arrive at NOON for the Bears vs Seahawks playoff game. There are two 40+ inch HD TV’s to watch the game on. After the Hash there will be food. Rumors say something about White BeanChicken Chili. Oh and there will be beer.