The Tale of the Trail
The Chicago Hash 9 Jan, 2010 by Horn-E
A surprising mild day for this trail laid by Back Door County and Its Too Soft for their A to B trail from Paddy Long’s Pub and a surprising good turnout of 17 hounds. It was a mostly simple trail as we headed north and just west of Sheffield and finally crossing Sheffield near the Hospital. Here we had our second Check that seemed to take a bit of time until trail was found right past the entrance and to the west to a
Split at Halsted. Hey, what is so hard. It goes north to the six corner intersection. Its Too Soft was heard to yell to Back Door County that he wanted to get ahead and watch this one. Well, it was harder then normal. Why? Later. First, I headed north along Halsted and found a turn down Barry. False. Then we went back to Halsted where we found a mark heading north. But soon we ran into Sperm Diversion and Virtually Hung returning. Another False. I headed south to check out Briar. Again I found two marks on the north side of the street. As I was returning on the south side, Sperm Diversion was following my footsteps and I diverted him, returning on the south side of Briar. At the alley I saw the pack coming my way. Apparently a hint from the hares. I headed down the alley and at the turn, an almost invisible mark was found. Uploader passed me and soon we were on three and ON. So that is why it was so hard. The first mark was way around the corner and well into the alley. If all our Checks were were marked like that, we’d still be looking for marks from three weeks ago. But we were On and trail went to Broadway and then south to Diversey, for another Check. Horn-E headed south in an alley and at the end he spotted a hasher running out of the parking lot behind the post office. He was checking out a Split. Horn-E followed and there was apparently another loop behind MacDonalds and back to Broadway to continue south on Broadway. At the next intersection was another Split. There were about five of us up front at this point. One hasher was off to the east and returning. Chicken Stifer went south and just kept going and going. We finally followed because the trail didn’t go east and less then fifty feet south of the intersection was an arrow. Huh! So we were finally On again. Trail headed south and through a parking lot to an alley and then west on Arlington. Now this doesn’t sound to difficult. Over to Its Too Soft’s condo on Fullerton. Right? Right. And as I got there so did Its Too Soft and he retrieved some beer from a doorway and we drank. From here it was straight back to his other place for the finish. A short hash of about three miles.
Beer started to flow and a few settled into watching TV while the rest of us gathered in the kitchen or in small circles to talk about trail, etc. Eventually Chicken Stifer tried to do a circle during commercials for some football game. Two, three down downs, stop, 2,3 stop, 2,3 stop. Nice try, but it wasn’t working very well. Needed to end it. Either watch TV or do a circle. It was finally ended and Its Too Soft got out some pizza and we settled into eating and drinking beer. Who else was there? Just Ryan, Just Do Me Slowly, Ginger Snatch, 10 Dix With Wings, Uploader, Just Jenna, Just Adam, The Dark Kunt, Skull And Boner, Just Chris a virgin and two visitors from St. Louis, Disco Ass and Dewey Sexual System. We were later joined by Crop Duster.