Mismanagement Meeting

Hey ya wanks,
It’s been a while since we’ve had a MisManagement meeting, so I figure next week is as good a time as any to have one.

The meeting will be at Lion Head Pub (2251 N. Lincoln) at 7pm on July 21.

Here are a few things I have in mind for the agenda so far:

State of Hash Funds
I still have Anthrax shirts for some reason. If you or someone you know HAS NOT picked theirs up, I’ll be selling it.
We bought extra PoP mugs in honor of the 10th anniversary. The left over ones will be sold for $5 each.
CH3 and TH3 teamed up to create a new moisture wicking shirt. These are currently on sale for $18.
Open dates for upcoming hashes.
This is all I have so far as no one has brought any other issues to my attention. If you have anything you’d like me to consider discussing shoot me an email and we’ll figure something out.

Questions? Comments? Email me at [email protected]

On On,