July 13 2008, 11:30 am JUSTIN’s
Pop Hangover Hash
HARES: Lifa and R-Tard-E
VISITORS: Broken Rubber, Burning Asshole, Coppus Rejectus, Just Kellie, Hot Lips, Just Virginia, Nurse HashShit, Palms 13:15, Postaage Tramp, PMS, Pees Like a Princess, Pup Tent, Return To Gender, Ricky’s Crab Shack, Sausage Stew, Sexorcist
HASHERS: Batteries Not Included, Calvin Klein, Chicken Stiffer, Crop Duster, Its Too Soft, Just I Lean, Likes it on the Bottom, magnetic Muff, Mount Schwiiinga, Mudsucker, PackHer Ass, R-Tard-E, Salty Gash
The hash was really exhausted after a hard night of partying but the diehards made it to the hash the next day. 30 hashers showed up at Justin’s and Burning Asshole was chowing down on $1 taco’s!!!!
The Chalk talk was done in the traditional R-Tard-Ease language so LIFA had to interpret for us. The hash had a choice of a short trail or a long trail most took the short but HOT LIPS, RETURN TO GENDER, ITS TOO SOFT, JUST I LEAN, CROP DUSTER, SAUSAGE STEW, and I followed the long 5 mile trail done by R-TARD-E.
The Trail went East and then south running through the neighborhoods just south of Wrigley Field. R-TARD-E teased us today because he could have run by the stadium but never did! HOT LIPS, RETURN TO GENDER, CROP DUSTER and I seemed to be up a the front of the pack with ITS TOO SOFT taking numerous pictures. Eventually the pack found trail leading to the house of SCHWIIINGA where the bad keg from the night before had been properly punished and now felt like being a good little keg and gave us the fucking beer in its belly!!!
CAVLIN lead us in a uneventful circle except for the wrestling match that took place between BROKEN RUBBER and SAUSAGE STEW. You can view this if you go to the hashspace of ITS TOO SOFT. Man if that is FOREPLAY I don’t know what they do for Sex in CUM-BLOW-US. SCHWIIINGA, PACKhER ASS, SALTY and CROP DUSTER got the grill going and we had ourselves a cook out complete with burgers and dogs. The Keg eventually was killed so we went to cans. Overall this was a great way to end the hash weekend on SUNDAY and say good bye to some good friends!!
Chicken Stiffer