CH3 Agenda
8/08/07 at 8 pm
2455 N. Lincoln
A. Budget
1. Verify funds We have $1750 in hash cash.
2. Hash Tax and cash kept at $1 per person and $6 total?
3. Turn over $1200 for new GM in 2008.
4. $423 in Haberdashery sales to date.
5. We are behind budget in hash tax but I think we can manage without those funds
B. 1500 Hash –Quick notes
1. 103 signed-up with 2 no shows= 101 hashers highest event total ever in Chicago by
beating out the 1469/Anthrax Hash.
2. All Chicago hash items like flag, robes, pipe, etc present and accounted for. All
positive comments so far!!
3. Visitors liked the Arlington House- Cheap and convenient.
4. Hash paid for the beerstops $257 not fair to make hares pay for beer stop kegs.
5. 1500 budget paid for Food on hangover hash.
6. Still have plenty of 1500 t-shirts to cover these costs. Should make $100 on the
event for the hash.
7. The Pub Crawl made $700+ for the CPD Memorial Fund.
C. Calendar
1. AUGUST 10, 2007 Free Drinking Practice at DUFFY’s 6:30-8:30 pm say “CHICKEN” at
the door.
2. Labor Day Hash will be SUNDAY 9/2/07 on ITS TOO SOFT roof deck.
3. Possible POP date in mid October.
4. Anthrax hash on Dec. 15 Saturday. What do you think?
5. Due to the Calendar the First SUNDAY hash of winter season is on September 30th
otherwise there would be no hash for 13 days.
6. Sept. 7-9 Indiana Inter-hash in West Lafayette.
7. Sept. 27 TH3 Pink Dress run for Breast Cancer Research
8. CH3 #1569 is on Nov. 7-9, 2008 so save the date!!
D. Hare Razor- Mouthful and Batteries
2. Needs hares to come forward
3. Remember We change to Sundays in October so more people could hare because they
do not work.
1. ITS TOO SOFT now puts out the CH3 hareline.
2. If you want to be put on or taken off the CH3 Hareline tell him.
F. Haberdashery and Pulley Man-Milk My Yak
1. The past two years have seen us make $700 dollars on Haberdashery sales. This
year alone we have made $423
2. More good news we have 23 t-shirts left to sell along with 25 bags to sell, which
means another $250-$300 in Haberdashery inventory.
3. We look set for another year with Lanyards and whistles.
4. Maybe finally get some racing singlets and shorts anything else?
5. Anyone wish to make a new design.
G. RA’s & circle: Stumpy and Calvin?
1. New songs “ou’est le papier has become mainstay
2. Calvin wants us too keep learning new songs.
H. Misc
1. Madison 30th analversary on Nov. 3, 2007
2. July 28th Sin City Cubs Hash was a blast
3. May redo CUBS-SIN CITY trip on Sept. 28th weekend.
New Business
-Many ladies of the CH3 have expressed interest in running POP in October.
-Someone want to step up and run hash ball in March- Feb. how do we want to run this?
– Possible Update to the Website? From Just Chris