Important Message From the GM – Highlights from the 4/9/06 Chicago Mismanagement Meeting
Mismanagement started at 1:00 pm on Sunday and was well attend, Thank you for taking the time to show up.
We have $1100 in actual money, with a goal of turning over $1100 to the “07” GM.
Spend $300 for Hashball, $250 on recruitment, $200 T-shirts, $300 on 1469/Anthrax
Keep Hash Tax at $1/person. Collect $1200 this year in tax about $100 a month
Recruiting & Retention
Try and have recruitment hash in May or June.
Concentrate on getting Virgins back to the hash. Keep contact with VIRGINS
Hareraiser- Rearloader
Collect e-mails from Virgins to keep up personal contacts. Thanks Boner for helping.
Haberdashery- Milk My Yak
WE NEED T-SHIRTS. Too Loose has a design ready from Dude Where’s My Car. I will wait a week then proceed on my own with a design if I don’t get one from her.
Mismanagement went with the “Horn and the Water Tower “ picture found on the top of the chicagohash website for the standard back. Others have come up to me and asked if we could use the CH3 foot print found at the bottom of the website. IF YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON WHICH EMBLEM WE SHOULD USE, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
POP- is on June 3, 2006. Sounds like the ladies are working hard please support them by attending this event.
Make sure your ON IN bar is offering pitcher prices of $6 or less, and the hares pay for the beer stop. This price should be easier to find on Mondays this Summer.
If you need a hash friendly bar suggestion ASK!! We will be putting together a Hash friendly bar list for our website.
The run to remember is on MAY 6 please run or volunteer to help the Chicago Police.
Contact Ballsalotapuss to help out.
Our Mission:
In order to “walk the talk” the Chicago Hash House Harriers is making publicly available via our website our general proceedings such as the mismanagement meeting (above) to endeavor to lead by example and continue to strive towards our goal of setting the gold standard among Chicago-area hashing organizations and welcome other area hashes to join us in furthering the highest fiscal, operational, and electoral standards transparency to the public.
How do we make a difference? The Chicago Hash House Harriers is committed to:
Participatory Democracy – We conduct free, open, and public elections of our GM annually. Any and all hashers in good standing are free to declare their candidacy. In addition, we conduct regular “town meeting-style” mismanagement meetings which are always publicized in advance and all are welcome to attend and have their opinions heard. You do not have to be part of Mismanagement to attend.
Operational Transparency – In all operating matters that affect the membership at large, including but not limited to internal business, finances, major initiatives, and other matters. That is why we are making our Mismanagement meeting minutes publicly available to all on the web. Some hashes have a “hash tax” to help fund “ongoing operations”. We openly publish our finances. With other area hashes, do you know if they have a hash tax? and if so where your hash tax goes? Hmmm…
The Free Marketplace of Ideas – We try and promote ALL Chicago area hashing events that we are aware of, even those that compete with our own. We strongly believe that deliberate suppression of information for self-serving purposes is completely pointless in the information age and disrespectful of the good judgment of the Chicago area hashing community at large. We want people to come to the hash of their choice (hopefully ours) because they’ve evaluated ALL the options available to them and are voting with their feet. If folks choose other hashes that’s cool also and just means we could be doing a better job of this. Freedom and democracy rock!