Hey Gang!
We kick off our official election process at this Sunday’s hash. This means that for the next 4 weeks (each Sunday in February), you will have a chance to vote for our silly hash awards and for our next GM. SO……for each hash through February that YOU ARE PRESENT, you get a ballot and a chance to vote. There will also be ONE chance to vote via E-MAIL towards the end of the month, so stay tuned for an announcement about that. All-in-all, you’ve got 5 potential chances to have your voice heard, so vote EARLY AND OFTEN!
In terms of the GM vote, I’ve put together a few thoughts for you to consider when choosing the next GM:
Does this person…
– regularly attend hashes and support the cause?
– interact with everyone in a friendly manner and make her/himself available for feedback? or play politics and be divisive??
– have a “professional” image that would benefit our cause with local bars, the media, visitors, and people encountered along the way? (and yes, even with the CPD as we learned the hard way this past year)
– support and encourage ALL factions of the hash (despite her/his own personal interests) including racist events (as both racists and as volunteers), Harriette’s issues, as well as veteran hashers and newbies alike
– have a rapport with, and interest in, furthering our relationship with surrounding hashes (Second City, Waukesha, Madison, Big Hump, and Indiannapolis) – i.e. support their events and help plan joint events?
– support and help plan our biggie events including Hash Ball, POP, and specially-numbered runs, and help to make these events bigger and better each year?
ON-ON to Hash Awards!!!
Too Loose