CH3 #2513

Chicago Hash House Harriers Run #2513

Sunday, December 29, 2024 2:00 PM

Venue: The Lodge Tavern – 21 W. Division St.
Hares: …He’s Still Limping
From the Hare: It’s the last Chicago H3 trail of the year. Gonna be a quick one so we can get back to the bar for a fun and intensive Choir Practice. Hymnals will be provided, but if you have your own songs or books to bring, cum prepared.
Hash Cash: $10

ANTHRAX 2024! DEC. 13-15

Dates are December 13-15. Get in quick, because prices increase as more people sign up.

Why should I go to Anthrax?
  • Anthrax is Chicago’s premium hash event filled with cold weather, colder beer, hazmat suits, Santa hats, Malört, and people dumb enough to keep cumming back from all over the world.
  • Rego gets you three days of drinking and two nights of food, plus a gimme, a patch, and a hangover that’ll last you into the new year.
  • We’re juicing it up this year: rego is capped at 200 attendees, so bring your entire polycule 😉.
  • Main event will have four trails: Walkers, Turkey, Eagle, and Ballbuster. Run them all for all we care!
  • Main event is at Brickhouse Taverna snowball’s throw from Wrigley Field. Go sports!
  • Dance party after circle with DJ Serial Shit Squirter.
  • Sunday Hangover trail is Dragthrax, the sloppiest drag running event in Chicago that weekend.
  • There may also be a photo booth, a masseuse, and actual Santa Claus.
1-25 $69
26-45 $89
46-75 $109
76-105 $119
106-150 $130
150+ $135
Questions? Comments? Accusations? Sext the organizers (Bottom Wrangler, Silent But Deadly (Kira Alexandra), and Sleepy Nom-Noms (Jess Lampe)).


$$$ = Included in your weekend rego price.

Friday Dec. 13th
6:00 AM – Day drinking on your own at any of the many watering holes in Chicago.

7:00 PM – Show up and start drinking at Burton Place – 1447 N. Wells St.  Walk up price $20. By CTA, take purple or brown line to Sedgwick or red line to Clark/Division.

7:30 PM On out for the Anthrax Prelube Trail (3~4 miles), hared by Bert’s Special Friend and Meat Inside Her. This year our prelube trail will be hared by our friends at The Chicago Full Moon H3. $$$

9:00 PM to 11:00 PM – Enjoy post-run beer and food at Burton Place. $$$

11:00 PM to Dawn – Continue drinking on your own.

Saturday Dec. 14th
12:00 PM – Check-in and pick up your gimmies at Budweiser Brickhouse Tavern – 3647 N. Clark St.  $$$ (no walk-ups). Use CTA red line Addison Station to reach the start.

1:00 PM – On out for main event trails:

☞ Ball Buster (6.9+ miles*), hared by

☞ Eagle Trail (4-6.9 miles*), hared by

       ☞ Turkey Trail (3-5 miles*), hared by

☞ Walkers Trail (<3 miles*), hared by

* Distances are approximate “true trail” miles and may be reduced if the weather sucks.

5:00 PM – Food, drinks and circle back at Brickhouse Tavern $$$

Afterwards – Wander the Wrigleyville neighborhood where’s you’ll find a variety of breweries, distilleries and bars.

Sunday Dec. 15th
10:00 AM – Wake up and grab brunch and a Bloody Mary on your own.

1:00 PM – Anthrax Hangover Trail (aka Dragthrax!), hared by North Banger Alley & Le Shartiste.  A-to-A at Holiday Club – 4000 N. Sheridan Rd.  Show up looking fabulous! Trail will be shorter than your skirt, where you can compete for the prestigious title of Dragthrax Queen! $$$ or $20 walk-up. Use CTA red line Sheridan Station to reach the start.

3:00 PM – Circle Up! Indoor circle in the Holiday Club’s backroom. Beer will flow until the tab runs out, but other drinks and food will be available for purchase. $$$

5:00 PM – Swing low, then GTFO until Anthrax 2025!

4 Days of Hashing!

Yes! Show up in Chicago a few days early and you can hash for 4 days in a row. There will be a place to safely store your bag during the run.

Thursday Dec. 12th
7:00 PM – Run with the Thirstday H3 at TBD location, hared by Oh Die Mark! & Maybe Molly. On-out at 7:30 PM. $10

CH3 #2508

Chicago Hash House Harriers Run #2508

Sunday, December 8, 2024 2:00 PM

Venue: Gio’s BBQ Bar & Grill – 4857 N. Damen Ave.
Hares: Bottom Wrangler & Rip ‘Em Snip ‘Em
Theme: 8 Drinks of Hashukah
Hash Cash: $10
From the hares: Promises and lies: shot stops, beer stops, wine stops, oil stops, eight-way split trails, A – A’, on-in is indoors and dog friendly (another dog will be there), shag wagon will be a little wheelie cart.
Hannukah isn’t until we’re after we’re all dead from Anthrax, so we’re celebrating it early this year with eight drinks of Hashukah. Don ye festive dreidels and menorahs, and down ye miserable Manischewitz and Fireball.

CH3 Special Event: Snatch’s Shots Trail

Chicago Hash House Harriers Special Event: Snatch’s Shots Trail

Monday, November 25, 2024 7:00 PM

Venue: Resi’s Bierstube – 2034 W. Irving Park Rd.
Hares: Rip ‘Em Snip ‘Em
From the Hare: Snatchsquatch mixed up his Google calendars and added a “Vaccination” event from 6 to 7 to the Chicagoland Hash Calendar. Taking him at his word, trail will start around the corner from his CVS and greet him with even more shots. Shot checks only! No more Hep B!
Note: this is in addition to the regularly-scheduled CH3 trail the day before. This is just silly and dumb, which is reason enough to do anything at the hash.
Hash Cash: $10

CH3 #2505

Chicago Hash House Harriers Run #2505

Sunday, November 17, 2024 2:00 PM

Venue: Drink and Ink – 4443 N. Broadway
Hare: North Bangher Alley & Sleepy Nom Noms
From the Hares: North Banger and Sleepy want to share their new neighborhood with you
Hash Cash: $10

CH3 #2504

Chicago Hash House Harriers Run #2504

Sunday, November 10, 2024 2:00 PM

Venue: The Atlantic Bar & Grill – 5062 N. Lincoln Ave.
Hare: Antiques Load Show
From the Hare: Just a Basic Bs bday. So there will be pumpkin spice and everything… Fall!
Event:  ALS Birthday
Hash Cash: $10

CH3 #2503

Chicago Hash House Harriers Run #2503

Sunday, November 3, 2024 2:00 PM

Venue: 5515 W.  Newport Ave.
Hare: Bit in the Clit of Texas
From the Hare: Save your pumpkins and bring them out to Chopin park to be smashed to bits! There will be meat!!! How many vegetarians will there be? Chunder will make his vegetarian Pozole!
Event:  Punkin Chunkin
Hash Cash: $10