Chicago HHH #2053 – Saturday 8/27 – 2:00 PM
Hares: It’s Too Soft & Lifa
Venue: Ruji’s Foofdeck – 933 W Wolfram
Hash Cash: $8
From da Hares: It’s Saturday! To the foof!
Summer 2016 is about to sunset with one last hurrah on the one and only hash party private rooftop. Weather is forecast to be good and the best spread of food to be found anywhere in Chicago hashing with more beer than you can shake a stick at will be provided for less than the cost of a single Bud LIght at Wrigley Field.
BYO debauchery and loss of dignity not the responsibility of mismanagement.
From da GM: These two again? Don’t they know that you’re allowed to hare with other people?
Environmentally-Friendly Public Transit
From Lincoln Park/Lakeview: Hoof it to 933 W Wolfram – go around back and hike up the stairs to the foof. (Approx. 5 min)
From Wicker Park/Bucktown: Take the Blue Line into the Loop. At Clark & Lake go upstairs and get on the Brown Line. Exit the Brown Line at Diversey and hoof it north a block to 933 W Wolfram. Go around back and hike up the stairs to the foof (Approx. 40 min)
Hop in your hooptie and cruise to Wolfram and Sheffield. Fuji’s two parking spots will be available just message him if need one.