Chicago HHH #1964 – Sunday 4/26 – 2:00 PM
Hares: Lifa & Its Too Soft
Venue: Ruji’s Foofdeck – 933 W. Wolfram Rooftop
Hash Cash: $8
From da Hare: Spring has officially sprung. Having survived April, enjoy one more Sunday afternoon party on the roofdeck with food and fun and friends.
Environmentally-Friendly Public Transit
From Lincoln Park/Lakeview: Hoof it to 933 W Wolfram. Go around back and take the stairs to the roofdeck. (Approx. 10 min)
From Wicker Park/Bucktown: Take the 50 bus north to Diversey. Transfer to the 76 Diversey bus going east. Exit at the Brown Line station, hoof it north on Sheffield and then east to 933 W Wolfram. Go around back and take the stairs to the roofdeck. (Approx. 30 min)
Hop in your hooptie and cruise to Wolfram and Sheffield. Hoof it up to the roofdeck and plead with Its Too Soft to give you a guest parking pass, then hoof it back down to your car to discover that you’ve already been ticketed. City’s got to get paid somehow!