The Tale of the Trail
The Chicago Hash 21 Mar 2010
Hares were listed as Ice Princess and Crop Duster from the home of Ice Princess. I don’t think Ice Princess ever left his place. But Erin Go Buff did in fact help lay the trail. We did have 15 hounds on trail. The trail led south to a partially enclosed cluster of town homes after a quick Check. Lifa found the trail and led us around a bit and then through a fence and gate. Ooops, don’t close the gate. We did. Trail led into a field where Lifa found a Back Check and a can of cold beer. A reward for the FRB. But it was a Back Check and we returned to the now locked gate. Genesis played super hero and climbed the high wall and opened the gate and we were off again. Winding around the complex of homes Lifa again led us to a False and a locked gate. Going back, Horn-E found marks heading south and another False. So we returned to the north and eventually out the main gate and back south along State. At Roosevelt we found Erin Go Buff sitting there laughing at the hounds who missed the light. The front of the pack were out of sight in the next cluster of homes. But we caught up with them just as they found the next Check where all of the Check hangers were waiting. Horn-E followed the ranging pack and in the distance Ginger Snatch, but we were off. The trail headed behind some homes to a narrow passage and a high wall. But at the southern end we were able to climb over the wall. Two Fuck Canuck and Horn-E managed this okay but others were struggling and the FRBs were already out of sight. The hardest climb was Turbo Dog. Something about no opposable thumbs. So she was lifted over the top. Trail led us back to Roosevelt and east where we crossed the previous trail at State St. and repaired marks by those sneaky bastard hares. This led us through some alleys and streets to the north and east and eventually over to Michigan Ave. We could see the FRBs heading north from some monument in the park and along the path paralleling the tracks. The pack swept towards the FRBs who eventually returned towards Michigan Ave. I followed Ass Capades as we cut a short bit of trail and soon we were heading into an underground garage. Check. That was nice. But the pack was soon On and into the parking area. They looked lost up ahead and Genesis headed south into a corner and found beer by a trash can.
Motor Whore A was also there. Not on trail, but she might have brought the beer. And so we drank some beer and an all to short, but decent trail was over. Who managed to run. International Virgin. Yeah, sort of running again. Just Cindy, 10,000 Tiki Whore, Suckiwi, Its Too Soft, The KGB, M’Alice from Vancouver and new to Chicago, Fruit Of The Clue.
Back at the Condo of Ice Princess, we eventually headed to the roof for a circle. The hares got their usual dosage of well deserved charges and down downs. We met the visitors M’Alice, Two Buck Canuck who ran trail and eventually Funny Bone Her who didn’t but helped Salty Gash get more beer. Thanks ladies. And we met Fruit Of The Clue who also did his first Chicago trail and has moved here. Welcome. There were two virgins who were also brought out, Just Caroline and Just Jill who didn’t run trail. Hmmm!. Wouldn’t they still be virgins then? We need to get them to break that cherry on trail somewhere soon. There was a long list of other hashers who also didn’t. Batteries Not Included, Calvin Klein, Soul Taco, Mouthful Of Meat, Wang Chunks, Fistful Of Pricks and Just Becky.
Back in the condo we settled into beer and some good chocolate brought by Just Becky. Ice Princess soon went beddy bye, or in the words of true drinkers, passed out. We only had one bitch fight that was quickly broken up. We made a lot of noise and eventually the neighbors came by. Noise? Who us? So, with our host passed out, we decided to honor his home and quieted down a bit. Hmmm, hashers quieting down. Now there is a novel twist. And so the hash slowly filtered away as hashers wandered off.