Chicago Hash #1613
HARES: Its too soft and Super Stuf’her
VIRGINS: just Alex, Just Zach
VISITORS: Sour Krotch
HASHERS: Chicken Stiffer, Fistful of Pricks, Batteries not included, Calvin Klein, Motor Whor-a, Mouthful of Meat, just Cari, Peterbilt, R-tard-E, just I Lean, W’all bangher, Sit-n-Pee, Free VD, Crop Duster, Screwunicorn to a dolphin, Ginger Snatch, Uploader, Salty Gash, Asscapades, Just Brad, Hoosier Daddy, Soggy Sparks,
TOTAL HASHERS – 27 Hashers
The hash saw another successful Saturday run, what a beautiful day after a night of thunder, lighting and rain. The hash Saturday saw us invade the house of fuji and this time a keg was ready for us when we showed up for the pre-hash drink, he is finally getting it. SUPER STUF’her laid a trail that ran towards the lake and our good friend FREE VD was sure to be the leader of this pack. We started off going east after we said hi to two virgins JUST ZACH and JUST ALEX. We also saw the return of SOUR KROTCH to the hash. CALVIN made it seem like a Second city hash by bringing his boys to the hash and MOTOR WHOR-A called him out for that later. We had our quick chalk talk and went east following several checks and splits until we came to a check on Clark and Wellington where confusion set in because it seemed there were three marks after this check but no trail? HALF-FAG found trail going east still and we ran on. UPLOADER lead us thru the lake front area with GINGER SNATCH close behind. Eventually the front of the pack rounded out to CHICKEN, HALF FAG and UPLOADER where we found trail running in front of Lincoln Park and then west towards OZ Park. The first beer stop was at the House of SUPER STUF’her and we found our walkers W’ALL BANGher, SOUR KROTCH and SIT-N-Pee waiting for us along with FREE VD. The hares were a little late getting the beer there but it did come and the pack drank.
We left for the second beer stop that was at the OLD party central near the Lincoln Street Fest and the pack got another beer. Finally we ran back to the RUJI’s FOOFDECK and CALVIN Led us in a circle for about 45 minutes when the food was getting done and most were hungry. All hashers then ate grilled chicken or burgers. As fuji said this is one of the best deals your hash money could have provided for. Next month the Saturday hash will be in conjunction with the Greek Town Fest on August 29th, see you then.
CH3-GM Emeritus