CH3 Mismanagement Highlights
2/4/09 at 7:30 pm’ish Free food from 4-7!!!! $2 bottles
Lions Head Pub – 2251 N. Lincoln Ave, CHICAGO, IL
We have seen 1818 hashers run with us this year about 150 more people than last year at this time. That equals about 3 more hashers per hash at each of the hashes we had this year so nice job CH3 in getting virgins to cum and then having the staying power to keep them cumming!!!
WE ARE AVG.- 33 hashers per hash this year!!
Present: Chicken Stiffer- GM, Mouthful of Meat and Batteries not Included – Hare Razors, Its too Soft-Webmaster, Cornstar, Poultry Fucker, Erin Go Buff, Horn-e, R-tard-E, Super Stuffer, Snatchsquatch, Asscapade, Just Jana, Salty Gash, 69-cent man, Odor Eater TOTAL= 16
A. Budget The Budget was approved by those present
1. Verify funds we have $605 in hash cash.
2. Hash Tax and cash kept at $1 per person and $8 total?
3. Turn over $1000 for new GM in 2009.
4. Collected $100 so far this year in haberdashery $$$. There were no questions about the Budget
5. $288 in hash tax collected this year that is $4 a hash.
6. We have about $350 in haberdashery
7. We are set with lanyards and whistles for at least two years.
B. ANTHRAX Hash –Quick notes
1. We had 92 hashers at Anthrax this year!!
2. We went $150 in debt for the extra food we ordered and extra hour of drinking we purchased.
3. Anthrax this year Dec. 12th or 19th? Anthrax next year is set for Dec. 19th
C. Calendar
1. HASH BALL IS FEB. 28th at 3333 N. Damen “the FOUR TREY’s”
2. May 24, 2009 will be hash #1600 and the Memorial Day Hash on Saturday at Virgin Bangers and Renta Virgins.
3. POP- We need to pick a date for this event July 11,18, 25 August 1, 15
4. Labor Day Hash Sept. 6th up to ITS TOO SOFT?
5. CH3 Saturday Hashes May 30th, June 27th, July 25th, August 22nd or 29th, September 26th -These hashes last year we tied into Chicago street festivals. Many allow you to bring in your own beer and you could have circle outside!!
Horn-e questioned the need for the CH3 Saturday hashes, claimed we have Saturday hashes already in his bushmans hash and Big dogs. Horn-e also said his hashes attendance is hurt by CH3 hashes. Super Stuffher said he liked the Saturday hashes tied to street fests in the city. NOTE: Bushman hashes attendance has continued to avg. about 3 hashers before during and after the CH3 Saturday hashes have run so it doesn’t seem like attendance was hurt? The SATURDAY HASHES last year avg. 20 hashers per run!!
A VOTE WAS CALLED TO CONTINUE THE SATURDAY HASHES. The Vote was 11-2 in favor of continuing the Saturday hashes. Horn-e’s suggestion to end CH3 Saturday hashes was defeated.
6. Elections will start Feb. 1st and run until Feb. 22nd You can vote at the hash or online. Again if you wish to vote you can Online via the yahoo group, by mail, or at the CH3 hashes. Election results will be made public at Hash Ball Feb. 28, 2009.
D. Hare Razor- Mouthful and Batteries
1. NICE JOB KEEPING US WITH HARES Looks like we have hares until June OPEN DATES: Feb. 22nd, April 5th and 19th, June 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th REMINDER WE HASH ON MONDAYS MAY – SEPTEMBER so June dates are Mondays. Feb. 22 is now gone MARDI GRAS hash and April 5th is Mouthful of Meat OPEN DATES are APRIL 19th and March 22nd and then most dates are open for the Summer
2. Have a new Bar wiki so hares can find hash friendly Bars.
3. Phone line will only carry CH3 and TH3 updates other hashes have decided not to be part of hash line. SNATCHSQUATCH is the new phone line dude! Thanks buddy!! SCH3, Moon hashes, and big dogs still do not wish to pay for the phone line and so their information will not be carried.
1. ITS TOO SOFT now puts out the CH3 hareline.
2. If you want to be put on or taken off the CH3 Hareline tell him.
3. We have new picture site that CH3 posts web dudes photos on.
F. Haberdashery could use new Haberdashery- Schwiiinga?
1. Have $350 in Haberdashery mainly tank tops and T-Shirts.
2. Dri-knit? CH3 name Necklaces? New CTA SHIRT? Some interest in remake of the CTA shirt
G. RA’s & circle: Calvin
1. New songs?
2. Need another RA to replace Enema Canal? ASSCAPADES name was put forward for training purposes?
H. POP (Power of the Pussy) POP is a CH3 event put on by the ladies of the Hash usually in the Summer
1. Need to pick a date for POP. They might have $85 already in seed money from last year? No money from last year $0
2. Salty, Stab’em, Rotten, Schwiiiinga, Likes it on the Bottom. Maybe CUMMA SLUTRA and GINGER SNATCH help?
3. Any ladies interested should contact Salty or Schwiiinga or show up at Mismanagement meeting.
Ladies running POP are: Salty Gash, Rotten Whore, Stab’em and Slab’em, Schwiiinga, Ginger Snatch, Likes it on the Bottom, Cuma Slutra,and Corn Star. The Girls will determine POP date by middle of Feb. hold JULY 18 and 25th open these look like good choices.
I. Misc
a. Big Hump Green dress March 13-15 Correction we will leave on 3 pm train on Sunday to get home on amtrak
b. Indyscent Prom Dress last weekend in April 18th NEW DATE PUT FORTH BY DOUBLE FISTER
c. Waukesha Red Dress May 9th
New Business- 69-cent man wants different Haberdashery I will try and put pictures up of what he wants and see if people are interested by online vote via Yahoo.
Chicken Stiffer