Tale of the Trail – Chicago Hash #1499 @ Rockwell & Iowa
July 16, 2007 5:43 pm / chicagohash
Hash Trash: 7/16/07
Hare: Spotted Cock & Earnest Cummingway
Venue- Rockwell & Iowa Tavern corner with HAMM’S beer sign
VIRGINS: Just Asni, Just Olga
HASHERS: Scabby Ass Rising, Just Mark, Just Pete, Virtually Hung, Sex Luthor, Canned Pussy, Milk My Yak, Mount Schwiiinga, Just Lauren, Bloody Thighs, Chicken Stiffer, Just John, Just Jenn, Virgin Banger, KGB, Learning to Blow, Salted Gash, Mud Sucker, Princess Labia, Rhotan, Boner, Horn-e, Just Mark, Cums in My Assfault, Paulie Ringbald, Just Kier, Just Melissa, Single Wide Mobile Ho, Puke Suit Riot, Its Too Soft, Peterbilt, Mr. Cheesecake, Asspocket, Just Jim, Lower Whackoff, Smell This, Mouthful of Meat, Cums Analually, No Penatration
Virgins= 2
Total Hashers= 45
This hash started from some undisclosed named family bar on the corner of Rockwell and Iowa. The location and weather forecast lead me to believe that we might have another 20 person hash like last week, but NO!!! 45 hashers showed up to greet SPOTTED COCK and wish him happy birthday at this hash. It was interesting to see SPOTTED carry around grass all night but did he smoke it??
This is becoming a weekly thing the GM gets to the hash at 7 pm and he is soundly beaten into the bar by 8 hashers who are all ready there drinking beer and having fun!!! This weeks over achievers were JUST MARK, JUST PETE, MILK MY YAK, VIRTUALLY HUNG, SEX LUTHOR, C.P., and MOUNT SCHWIINGA. Don’t you people have homes!! I meet our new virgin JUST OLGA on the bus ride over she would step on my feet and my bag would hit her in the arse and it wasn’t even a crowded bus?!?!? The bar was soon crowded by hashers and JUST MELISSA, ASSFAULT, and C.P. were hot after the haberdashery. I think we sold $50 that night. BLOODY THIGHS took over her old role as hash cash and whipped some people into paying glad to see no bears ate you on your trip to Glacier National Park!! The time got to be 7:30 pm and the hash chalk talk was conducted by SPOTTED and ERNEST CUMMINGWAY. They explained the marks to JUST OLGA and JUST ASNI our virgins and the pack was off.
The front of the pack had MR. CHEESCAKE, JUST MARK, and RHOTAN at the front and SEX LUTHOR was doing a great job carrying the flag that was taller than him.
The trail eventually wound thru Ukrainian Village and cut across Division by Clemente High School.
JUST JOHN and JUST JENN again were near the front of the pack looking for marks and checking trail. It was soon after here that VIRTUALLY HUNG took the lead and led the pack into the beer stop at Casa de ERNEST? Here ASSPOCKET meet us and ITS TOO SOFT started to snap numerous pictures of this lovely group. We stayed at the beer stop for a long time until the beer gave out and this caused SEX LUTHOR to leave early but I know he had fun anyways. PUKE SUIT RIOT was constantly looking for his beloved, SINGLE WIDE, who seemed to be a bit lost on trail? MILK MY YAK at the beer stop noticed that the electrical wires were very close to the roof deck, in fact in a drunken stupor you could reach out and touch them. Can you say this is a shocking development!!!! It was interesting while searching for trail to the beer stop I did meet up with VIRGIN BANGER and SMELL THIS who seemed uninterested in the trail and ran right to the beer stop?
Can we say someone knew the hare’s lair!!! The beer was gone and we hoofed it back to the bar where the hash enjoyed Hamm’s and Schlitz and ???
VIRTUALLY ran the circle and we called those damn hares out and drank. SPOTTED got the pipe for his birthday down- down and we sang to our new virgin JUST OLGA. The Chinese fire drill was lead by RHOTAN and BONER, and I think EZ gotcaught up on some of his reading during the circle. JUST KIER and JUST MELISSA were happy to be back with us after their virgin trail last week. SALTED GASH and JUST LAUREN volunteered to help with the 1500 by working with some of the haberdashery this week, and we even convinced a few more hashers to go to 1500 this weekend. PETERBILT again shared his roasted nuts with the whole hash and I heard someone say that they needed SALT!! PRINCESS LABIA announced the Pink Dress run on Sept. 27, this will be a hash to benefit Breast Cancer Research.
Well it’s a busy weekend we have cumming up so I hope to see you at one, two, or maybe all of the events we have planed!!