Hash Trash: 7/9/07
Hare: Calvin Klein – Live hare
Venue- Piano bar $5 pitchers
Virgins- Just Melissa, Just Kier
Visitor- Full Term- OXFORD H3
Hashers- KGB, Just Chris (FBI), Just Karen, Rhotan, Magnetic Muff, Horn-e, Mr. Cheesecake, Sex Luthor, Smell This, Just Heather, Just Pitt, Just Jim, Dickens Cider, Just Chris, Chicken Stiffer, Just Debra, Its Too Soft
Total=21 hashers
The hash Started very ominous with thunder and lightening but that gave way by 7 pm and those of you too scared to come out and play missed great running weather. Twenty-one brave souls stared from the Piano bar at 3800 N. Clark after we gave the live hare CALVIN KLEIN a ten-minute head start. We did chalk talk for our two virgins and then we were off!! JUST MELISSA right off was giving crap to SMELL THIS in his banana running suit attire. SMELL THIS that would look good in SEX LUTHOR banana colored SUV?? The trail ran by Wrigley again and was taken north, DICKENS CIDER found true trail north and came to a check on Irving Park Road. The trail was found by JUST JIM going north still under the El tracks. MR. CHEESECAKE and I found true trail leading to Truman College. The check here went back west and JUST CHRIS and I tried to parallel trail for a bit but the trail kept going west so we ran back to the pack. JUST KIER and JUST MELISSA seemed to be having a blast on this trail and in true hash form kept asking how much further till we drink beer? FULL TERM seemed pleased that hashers were sweeping for him because he seemed to be laboring out there on this humid day.
The hash is also happy to report that we did not scare away our last week virgins. JUST KAREN, JUST CHRIS, JUST PITT (our resident German), and JUST HEATHER decided that this hashing thing was for them. CALVIN KLEIN lead the trail back to some bar for a beer stop but the damn thing was closed oops, but that is the way the hash goes sometimes you just have to make alternate plans. We got back to the bar and proceeded to drink them out of $5 pitchers of Miller Lite and the bartender began to serve us Heineken and that went out as well so she gave us Moretti oh damn twist my arm I hate premium beer!! CALVIN ran the circle but the funniest moment came when JUST MELISSA a hash virgin shut up RHOTAN with a classic cut down he couldn’t respond to! The doctors drank so MR. CHEESECAKE, JUST KAREN, FULL TERM, and KGB had to put down their beepers for a minute and do a down-down. HORN-E drank for being himself. The circle ended and we had to bring JUST DEBRA into the circle for her naming. Twice during the night she made some momentous statements the first was during her beer pouring for JUST CHRIS. Our Little Debra said, “I don’t want to give you Too much Head”. The second time she was trying on a t-shirt and said, “Can you help me get this off?” The circle reconvened and came up with CLITTY LITTER, CUM DUMPSTER, TOO MUCH HEAD, HELP ME GET THIS OFF, HELP ME GET OFF!, SHE’S ASKING FOR IT as possible names. JUST DEBRA came back to the circle and will now be known as TOO MUCH HEAD, congratulations little Debbie. The circle broke up and JUST PITT and JUST HEATHER bought new haberdashery. JUST PITT seemed to appreciate the tight fit of the women’s t-shirts on JUST HEATHER. Next week is the birthday hash for Spotted Cock and then we flow into the 1500 weekend with a TH3 hash, Pub Crawl and then main event.