1/29/2007 – Mismanagement Highlights
Good Day Hashers,
I just wanted to take a moment of your time to report to you the state of the Chicago Hash. Currently we are experiencing a budget surplus due to a number of things the hash has done to save and make money for the hash. We have $1648 currently in our Treasury. This is due to surpluses in three areas of the Hash budget. First we have saved $100 a year by asking the other hashes in Chicago to help pay for the phone line. Second we made $150 off the 1469/Anthrax hash. This was not the hashes intention but was a result of the large number of walk-ups that came in that day. Lastly, we have made $291 off Haberdashery t-shirt sales this past year. We did go $450 over budget in the area of whistles and lanyards, but currently should have enough of these items to last the next three years, and these items can be sold to visitors as well. We also have $300 budgeted for the hash ball in a few weeks.
When I started as GM this past March we had two main concerns that the hash wanted addressed. They were a need for new haberdashery (t-shirts) and more Lanyards and Whistles for people completing 10-runs. Both of these concerns I believe have been addressed. As mentioned earlier we have plenty of whistles and lanyards, and the whistles we have are imprinted with the CH3 logo. The hash this past year decided to use the standard Chicago logo we now put on the back of every t-shirt, and we have had 4 different printings of t-shirts this year. This includes the very well received 1469/Anthrax design done by our very own C*** and Pasties. We also need to thank EZ on the ASS for his Godfather t-shirt design. The next GM needs to remember to buy Female t-shirts this year because they were bought very quickly by the harriettes, plus they are nice and tight!!! We also addressed the issue of POP this year. The hash reached a consensus that POP is under the CH3 umbrella and they must include the GM in their event planning. This would include developing a budget so CH3 can anticipate the outlay of hash cash that might be needed to support this event. We gave POP $250 in August to help cover their expenses last year.
Overall I believe we had a very successful year of hashing. I need to mention and thank both Rear Loader and It’s Too Soft for the roles that they play in keeping the Chicago hash going. Rear is instrumental in getting people to hare while It’s Too Soft is key to letting people know where the hash is and what did you people miss when you didn’t get to the hash. We also can’t forget Chicago’s favorite son Peterbilt who updates our phone line religiously. A few people have come up asking me what can they do for the hash? My answer to this questions is simple, Show up and run. The reason why we have successful hashes is because you people show up every week. I hope this year we can sustain the types of numbers that came out for the 1469/Anthrax hash and have 30-40 hashers show up every week. Is this possible? I would like to think so.
We had an excellent hash on Dec. 16. The 1469/Anthrax set the mark for the highest attended hash ever in Chicago. It was great to see numerous visitors and local hashers. It was nice to see many Chicago faces that have not hashed in a while. We also received high marks from our visitors who reported back to their kennels that they missed a hell of a time in Chicago that December weekend. I want to see the 1500th hash blow away 1469/Anthrax this year. We need to begin planning now for this event in July of 2007. This way we can get the information out to people and hopefully have numerous visitors come to Chicago. This year we will also be trying to expand our Memorial Day hash at Virgin Bangers by advertising to neighboring hashes. Maybe we can see 75-100 hashers show up instead of the usual 50 we get?
I also intend to push people to road trip more to area hashes. We have great neighbors in Indy, St. Louis, Minneapolis and yes even Wisconsin. This years events like green and red and prom dress and Spewathon in Minnesota should have at least 5 Chicago hashers in attendance. There really is no excuse not to go because we can use the Mega Bus to get to anywhere in the Midwest for almost no cost. March 17 is green dress in St. Louis, April 28th is Prom Dress in Indy, May is red dress in Waukesha, and June is spewathon in Minnesota, so hashers please pencil in these dates and GO!!!! Well thanks for your time and keep in mind we have a Hash Ball on Feb. 24 that all Chicago hashers should attend!!
We will have a short Mismanagement meeting on 2/11/07 to go over any hash business. If you have questions or ideas for the hash this would be your opportunity to voice them.
Chicken Stiffer