12/10/06 HASH TRASH for #1468
The hash started from the land of Emerald Isle. Many of us used tubular chariots to arrive at the starting line. We came from east and west and north and south to take part in LIFAs and BLOODY THIGHs trail. After a short chalk talk the hash took off south with ORGY and HAPPY ASS GRABBER doing the leading. We came to a series of checks and splits with the later being a turkey-eagle split which halved the group. RENT A VIRGIN and VIRGIN BANGER as well as others took the turkey. MUFF, CHICKEN, and SPOTTED COCK and others went Eagle and they were in for a long eagle. HORN-E and CHICKEN were soon running in circles while the pack followed the correct trail back west. JUST KAITLIN was out there somewhere stomping thru the snow as well. The pack came to a check at Peterson and NW Hwy that almost got CAPT. CRUNCH crunched. IT�s TOO SOFT dragged his ass around trail even after a 15 hour drinking binge the day before at TBOX11. REARLOADER and ORGY picked up the scent and
now we went back north. We ran for another 2 miles before we got to the beer stop NE of the Emerald Isle. It was here where LIFA questioned a pool sign that said something about �BALL IN HAND??� PARDON MY FLAPS took the job beer mistress and poured for all thirsty hashers, Thanks!! We even saw the family of COFFEE & MOUNT ME with JUST HANNAH in tow, damn she even had on hash attire, what good parents.
We made it back to the ON IN where CALVIN and HUMPTY DUMPTY had drank the bar out of all of their fat tire or is that HUMPTY�s girlfriends hash name?? CALVIN and STUMPY ran the circle and we were serenaded by LIFA with a raunchy rendition of the little drummer boy. ERECT the RED teased us again with his ability to make the circle come to a screeching halt during his down down. We also saw the arrival of PB, JUST INGA, SMELL THIS, RHOTAN and BONER (who still owes me hash cash). STUMPY lost her tits to me but will get them back this weekend and we did have a naming. JUST KAITLIN was asked numerous questions about herself and then asked to leave the circle. We brought her back to the circle for what we thought would be her new hash name but upon returning to the circle and getting on her knees she uttered another silly phrase. In an unprecedented move the GM asked her to leave the circle again and the hash changed its mind, so from here and forever JUST KAITLIN is now
known as, �KNEELS so EASILY.� See you all at 1469/ANTHARX!!!!!!!!!!